Executive Summary
At some point, you are likely to face the choice of moving for your career. Finding a new place to live, along with a new job, can be good for your finances and your life.
Before you take the leap, make sure it’s the right move for you. Jessica Moorhouse joins us to talk about her experience moving across Canada for a career opportunity.
Whether you have a company willing to pay your costs, or whether you just hope to find greener pastures, here’s what you need to know about moving for your career.
ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Money Mastermind Show. Let’s Talk Money.
[0:00:18] GC: Welcome to the Money Mastermind Show. Sometimes, the best move for your career is to, well, to move. But when is moving really a good option for you? Tonight, we have Jessica Moorhouse of Moorhouse.com. Welcome to our show Jessica.
[0:00:35] JM: Thank you. Sorry, it’s jessicamoorhouse.com.
[0:00:37] GC: Jessica Morehouse, oh I apologize.
[0:00:39] JM: But now, I have to go with that domain so it’s okay. I’ll just go by it right now.
[0:00:43] GC: Yeah, we try to hammer out all these details beforehand but yeah, this is how we roll. And I’m just going to right that down so I have it here. Thank you Jessica and I apologize for that.
[0:00:54] JM: Well that’s okay.
[0:00:55] GC: The members of the Money Mastermind Show here, we have Kyle Prevost of youngandthrifty.ca, Miranda Marquit of Planting Money Seeds, Peter Anderson of Bible Money Matters and Tom Drake of the Canadian Finance Blog. I’m Glen Craig of Free from Broke.
So Jessica, moving through your career, when does it actually make sense to move for your career? For me, I’m not the one that likes to even change jobs. So to change cities, to change jobs, that’s a scary thing.
[0:01:25] JM: Oh yeah and it is scary. It is a huge risk. I mean from my experience, it seemed like the right time just because I wasn’t necessarily happy in my career and where I was living in Vancouver, there weren’t that many opportunities and same with my husband. He was a freelancer in the music industry and there’s not a huge pool of talent and work in Vancouver.
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I guess it was, we’ve been in Toronto for about two and a half years. I guess about a year before our wedding, we decided, “Hey, I think we should really think about moving to really jumpstart our careers. You know, nothing is really happening here,” We just felt like we were just coasting, we weren’t really rising up and we had a lot of people from Vancouver who start to move to Toronto.
“You’ve got to come here. There’s a lot of stuff happening,” and so we took a huge leap. We didn’t move because we had jobs there. We quit our jobs and then moved there and hoped for the best and so far so good, we’re still there, we have jobs so it worked out. But I think there may not necessarily be a good time. I think you just have to figure out what make sense for you.
[0:02:40] GC: How do you know though? Like you said, you just quit your jobs and moved. How do you know that their market is going to be available for you and that you’re going to be able to afford things? Toronto is comparable to where I am, outside New York City where it is pretty expensive. How do you know that you’re prepared for that?
[0:02:58] JM: Yeah, we definitely did a lot of research and talked to a lot of people that we knew that lived there. Met with people that were from Toronto that moved to Vancouver and figured out what the differences were but as far as cost of living, everything is pretty much the same. If anything, things are a little bit cheaper in Toronto but you get paid more.
The salaries are lot higher and there’s a lot more opportunities for jobs whereas when I was looking for jobs in Vancouver, you’d be on the board and you’d just kind of see the same jobs everyday whereas in Toronto, it is hard to keep up. So yeah, we definitely did our research and talked to a lot of people before taking that leap and I’m really glad we did.
Because before actually deciding on, “Yeah, let’s definitely move to Toronto”, we were thinking to moving to Montreal and then we talked to a lot of people, did our research and I’ve noted, it would not have been a good situation for us. Also, Josh doesn’t speak French.
[0:03:48] GC: All right, I feel like there’s going to be some kind of inter-country war here now.
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[0:03:54] MM: So now you said that you didn’t have a job when you moved there but did you have some other financial arrangements? Did you have some sort of financial safety net that you could draw in when you moved so that you would be able to have time to look for a job or be able to manage because like you said, it’s a huge risk to just up and move.
I just recently completed my second cross-country move in the space of a year and it’s not easy to get the money to just pack up and leave. Not everybody can just pack up and leave. What sort of financial things did you have in place so that you could go ahead and do this?
[0:04:30] JM: Sure, I’ve been saving for quite a bit of time and actually before that, I think we’re saving more for a down payment on a place. But then, we also realized we can’t really afford it in Vancouver, we’re going to have to save for a lot longer to afford in that city. So we had our emergency funds and then we also have this pool of money that we’re saving for something and we used that.
It’s like, “Okay, well if worst comes to worst, if we don’t find work within a couple of months, then we’re going to have to go to this third emergency fund.” But we definitely saved up enough cash to hold us over for several months and Josh, my husband, he’s a freelancer and so he actually could do some work online and for me, I have my blog and so I did a few. I am a freelance writer as well so I did a few side gigs at the time too so that helped it out but still, we were pretty lucky.
Josh, he really did start from ground zero because we didn’t know anyone in the city at all. No family, no friends and so because his business is all about knowing people and networking, he just had to hustle and just get out there, go to all these networking events, spread the word and I’d say within six months, he built up a bit of a client based. And for me, I think I found work within about three months and worked one job, didn’t really work out and then eventually found a job for six or seven months I was there.
And then eventually found a job that I was really hoping to get, kind of the dream job. Then I found that and I’ve been there ever since, so we definitely have a lot of cash just in case but it also gave us a time limit. If things just were not working in our favor, it would be, “All right, fine. We have to move back,” and then we’re also lucky we didn’t own any properties so we didn’t have that to deal with.
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[0:06:15] GC: It sounds like you have a hefty plan going into it at least?
[0:06:17] JM: Oh for sure, we definitely planned it out and made sure we had everything in
order. We didn’t want to just like, “All right, let’s see what happens.”
[0:06:24] GC: I get it like the acting story you might hear on modelling. You just go there and in a while, somehow I’m going to be discovered and then everything will be set.
[0:06:32] JM: Yeah, it’s like, “No.” It’s like, “If things don’t work out, we’re going to freeze to death in the Toronto cold winter so better have something planned.”
[0:06:41] GC: That’s pretty brutal.
[0:06:42] MM: Yeah and I liked too that you put a limit on it and said, “Hey, if it doesn’t work out in this set amount of time, then we’ll have to revisit.” You weren’t so, I guess, “married” to the idea that you were going to do or die.
[0:06:57] JM: Exactly, yeah and the first year is really hard moving some place especially when you don’t know anybody and you’re starting a new job, you’re creating a whole new social network. It was tough that first year and I’m like, “I don’t know if I could do that again. It was really tough,” but yeah, throughout that time, we definitely evaluated on a month to month basis.
Like, “How are we doing? Do we still like it in here? Do we still want to give it our all?” and I definitely suggest if you’re moving some place to jump start your career or just for another reason, give it a year. Go through all the seasons and then you’ll have a better understanding on whether that’s the place to be or, “No, I should move somewhere else or move back home.”
[0:07:38] PA: Yeah, I think that it really is something that’s underrated when people are thinking about moving for an increase in salary or something is they see this dollar figure that’s, “Oh I’m going to be making 20 or $30,000 more,” but then they don’t take the time to sit back and consider all these other factors that are going to be a part of it.
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Making new friends, finding a good church at your new location, figuring out where you’re going to be living, property tax rates, it just go on and on, and on. There are so many other things that go into making a huge move like this that you do really need to think about before you jump in.
[0:08:14] JM: Absolutely and one thing that I think we underestimated was the cost of actually physically moving like we were pretty lucky we just lived in a tiny apartment in Vancouver. Most of the furniture we had was given to us or was from Craig’s List so we sold most of it just because none of that really had that much value anyway and then we just packed up most of our belongings in our tiny car and drove from Vancouver to Toronto.
But then, when we got there, well great, it didn’t really cost as that much to actually physically move there but setting up a new place and getting all new furniture and everything, that was a bit like, “Oh crap, I didn’t realize how much stuff we had and that how much stuff we need.” So yeah, that’s definitely something to consider.
[0:08:56] GC: There’s an IKEA out there?
[0:08:58] JM: Oh yeah, we went to IKEA a lot. There’s also a Winners and a Marshalls like walking distance from my place so I went there pretty much every weekend just to see what was going on there.
[0:09:09] MM: Nice. So one thing though along with what Peter is talking about when you’re getting really into the dollar signs, one thing to remember too is when you’re thinking of cost of living and putting that into the dollar signs because I recently moved from Philadelphia area and I cut back on how much I make when I moved here.
So I am actually to the point where I am actually making less than I made in Philadelphia but I live in a place with such a different cost of living that I have no discretionary income so that’s something to think about too when you’re moving. Just because you have a higher dollar amount, doesn’t mean you’re going to actually have more discretionary income. Because my lifestyle is taking a notch up since I have moved and I am doing less work and making less money.
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[0:09:59] JM: I think for us because the cost of living is pretty like everything cost about the same in Vancouver and Toronto but we instantly making more, it goes like, “Wow, it’s way freaking better here,” because we’re making way less there but things are way more expensive it’s kind of crazy but yeah, exactly or you can move some place as less and way cheaper. You may make less but you might actually be able to save more. It’s not about making a higher income necessarily but yeah, definitely the quality of life is better for us when we moved.
[0:10:28] PA: Yeah to illustrate that, on CNN Money I read something today, it said that $50,000 salary in Central Pennsylvania, maybe that’s where you were at Miranda, $50,000 in Central Pennsylvania would need to increase a lot in $84,000 in Brooklyn in order to just maintain the same quality of life.
[0:10:45] JM: Wow.
[0:10:47] PA: Which is kind of crazy to me but.
[0:10:50] KP: Or like $1,500 bucks in Idaho or that is strictly you have a lot there. It doesn’t sound delightful out there.
[0:10:59] MM: And that’s the thing, is you can use those cost of living calculators to at least get an idea of what you’re getting into because if you’re like, “Oh yeah, I’m going to get a $20,000 raise,” but to your example Peter that’s a $34,000 difference. So your $20,000 raise is actually taking a pay cut.
[0:11:23] PA: Exactly.
[0:11:24] GC: When you moved...
[0:11:25] KP: I commend you on sort of making that big jump and doing it for your career and just realizing the reality of what’s going on because it’s very frustrating for me to hear young people complain. And then be like, “Oh there is all these opportunities right across Canada,” and for a lot of years, they maybe in Alberta, maybe not as much anymore.
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So sorry Tom, I don’t mean to hit below the belt there, but a lot of people where there was opportunities and they look at me like I’m crazy, “You want me to move?” “Yeah, I want you to move to where the jobs are. That’s how this whole capitalism thing is supposed to work.” So I don’t know if any of the rest of you guys have noticed this but.
[0:12:06] TD: Well, speaking of Alberta actually, the fact that the economy is dropping a little is one of the perks of my coming move. In the spring, I’ll be moving down to Calgary and the real estate’s drop about 8% I think it is right now over the previous year. So that’s one of the benefits I’m going to see at moving and otherwise, most of that would cost already were the same where real estate was the only thing that was higher and now they’re a lot more equal already plus I’ll continue in my career so I won’t be without a job so it’s a safe play but the real estate coming down was a nice perk of moving in the spring.
[0:12:44] JM: For sure.
[0:12:44] MM: I think Tom too, one of the great things that Tom can speak too is what happens
when your company actually encourages you to move and pays for your move? That helps.
[0:12:54] TD: Yeah, they’re paying for everything so it wasn’t too difficult of a decision once I decided I was willing to keep working.
[0:13:03] MM: That was the tough decision, right?
[0:13:05] TD: Yeah, it really was but in my case, the company is going to be paying for everything related to the move and a little bit of perks around that too. So it was a pretty easy decision to go somewhere that’s going to cost the same amount of money but I’m not paying for that move and we’re actually looking to be in a small town outside of Calgary.
So we’re trying to groom our lifestyle because with our kids, we just want to be in a smaller town and get a bigger house at the same time because we’re a little cramped. So there was lots of benefits to moving beyond just the career itself but the career is the reason we were able to make the move.
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[0:13:44] MM: I really like how you talk about lifestyle and everything too because a lot of the time, it’s just about your career but your overall lifestyle.
[0:13:56] JM: Yeah. For us I found just because we made less but it was pretty expensive in Vancouver, we didn’t go out and didn’t do as much. Whereas in Toronto, we definitely have more money to play with and go out to eat more and can actually go on vacations and the weekend trips whereas in Vancouver it’s like, “Oh, let’s just stay home again.”
[0:14:17] GC: I find it interesting that you’re actually making more and the cost of living is pretty much the same.
[0:14:22] JM: Yeah. It’s a weird thing now that I realized that I’ve been in the city for so long and I really like Toronto. There is just amazing people and amazing things to do and lots of opportunities, I’m kind of like, “Why isn’t everyone here? This is great,” and I actually do feel like lots of people that I know from Vancouver are slowly making the move depending on what industry they working in. Especially for hours in the entertainment industry [phone ringing] — sorry.
[0:14:51] GC: That’s some of the people that are going to move in.
[0:14:53] JM: Yeah, I know. Hold on. I know this is odd but it’s my grandpa, sorry he’s calling. I
think he got it.
[0:15:02] KP: He wants to be on the show, you know.
[0:15:03] JM: He wants to be on the show, that’s right — sorry what were you saying?
[0:15:08] PA: He’s probably a long time listener.
[0:15:14] MM: You were talking about industries and arts, we have gotten to that.
[0:15:20] JM: Yeah, right so depending on what industry you work on, definitely if you work in arts and entertainment industry, Toronto is such a better place to work in than Vancouver and
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because I went to film school so lots of people that I went to school with are slowly making the trek out here because there is a lot more stuff going on.
[0:15:38] GC: Now if they all move there though then jobs are going to dry up and the middle of Toronto changes.
[0:15:42] JM: Well no, I don’t think so. I think the city is continually growing. There’s more companies coming here, all the headquarters are here and lots of startups are happening here whereas Vancouver used to be known as the startup center. I feel like Toronto is ramping it up, but we’ll see.
[0:16:03] PA: You know maybe that’s something to consider too when you’re thinking about moving for a job is whether what’s the environment like in the place you’re moving to, are there a lot of companies that are doing pretty well in that area or is that one company you’re going to be working for? Maybe they’re doing okay but there are a lot of other companies that are so what if your job doesn’t work out? Are you going to be able to find another job if that doesn’t work out?
[0:16:26] JM: Exactly. Yeah and I’m liking that because there is a pretty good pool of jobs here. If for some reason I lose my job or decided to leave for something else, it won’t be that hard. Whereas I found in Vancouver, I was working for one job for three years and around that two year market, I was actually starting to look for something else.
I could not find anything and then you just kind of dry up. Also, I was working for a media company at the time. I knew a lot of people in town and so when I applied to jobs, it is a very small town, it’s like, “Oh crap, I don’t want them to know that I might be looking for another thing. They might tell my boss!” Toronto is pretty big. You can be pretty anonymous there which is nice.
[0:17:06] GC: How did you know that it was the location and not the general economy that made finding a job hard?
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[0:17:13] JM: Yeah and it could be a couple of things but I guess we talked to a lot of people that moved there or lots of people that were from Toronto that were moving to Vancouver. They moved to Vancouver because they wanted a more relaxed lifestyle and when we talked to them, they’re like, “What’s the job market and economy in Toronto?”
They’re like, “Oh, it’s great. You won’t have trouble finding a job” and I felt really bad being like, “You may have trouble here. You’ll have no problem finding a yoga studio but you may have trouble finding a job.” I felt like lots of people were starting to move over there because of job specifically. No one really moved and I mean it couldn’t just be me.
I don’t think I would move to Toronto because it’s such a beautiful place to live. No, I mean beautiful BC, Vancouver is gorgeous. Whenever I come back home I’m like, “Oh my gosh there’s mountains, there is the ocean, it’s gorgeous,” but Toronto is the place to be I think in terms of jumpstarting your career.
[0:18:14] GC: Was commuting an issue for you or a factor in any way?
[0:18:19] JM: Not really, I feel like actually our commute was way better in Toronto because just the sights a bit better. It’s more of a grid whereas Vancouver is a tiny little island. There’s not a lot of room and it’s really expensive and I was lucky when we lived in Vancouver actually. I was able to walk to work but I knew if I wanted to find another job, that probably wouldn’t be the case and so I have to have a long transit and transit is a business.
It’s big compared to Toronto whereas in Toronto, we live technically downtown though it’s a bit west of the core and yeah, we’re right near the subway line and there’s the subway, there’s a street car, there’s bunch of buses, there’s a bunch of options so I actually find it much easier to get around. Our commutes are tiny and actually Josh, before he really did require a car for his job in Vancouver.
Whereas here, he was able to because there is a lot. There is more opportunities to bike or take transit. He is actually able to take his car off the road and save several thousand dollars a year which is kind of nice.
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MMS 74 Transcript [0:19:25] GC: So for you, it was just you and your husband?
[0:19:28] JM: Yeah.
[0:19:28] GC: No little kids and what about the rest of your family? Do they live in one town or
the other?
[0:19:35] JM: Yeah, they all live in a suburb called Coquitlam outside of Vancouver so everyone is still on the west coast, yeah.
[0:19:41] GC: So you made the choice to leave all that behind?
[0:19:45] JM: Yeah, it was tough and we’re both very close with our families so that was a big tough decision but we may not necessarily be here forever and I definitely feel like if we want to start a family, we may look back into moving back if it made sense and that’s a tough decision. It’s like, “What if we want to start a family but our careers are really great in Toronto and nothing’s really improved in Vancouver, what do we do?” So lots of things to consider.
[0:20:12] GC: Yeah, I mean it sounds like if you’re going to make a move like that especially when it’s so far away, you have to have everybody on board at the same time and really into what you’re doing there.
[0:20:21] JM: Yeah, exactly and it was an ideal situation that Josh really was on the same wavelength as me. And he was like, “I’m at the same point in his career,” it wasn’t really progressing like he wanted and we’re approaching 30 and we really had the idea of where we want to be at that point. We might as well do it now. If we don’t do it now, we may not do it.
[0:20:43] MM: Yeah, well I think though, too, it’s a good point when you start having kids and to think about that. The big reason I moved back here to Idaho was to have the people nearby because I then ended up moving back to family but part of my complication of course was the divorce but I’m lucky because my ex is fine with me moving, that’s not always the case.
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If you have an ex, you may not be able to up and move with you kids across the country if your ex isn’t on board with it. So that’s something to think about as well.
[0:21:22] GC: Yeah, definitely. Your family situation in general is going to be probably a huge factor. If you have kids, it’s a school district that you’re go into, getting to school, are they going to have friends and what type of environment they’re in. When you don’t have kids, you can probably live in the city, run around, no big deal. The ones with the kids, you might not want that type of speed also. It’s a whole different...
[0:21:49] JM: It’s a whole different scenario, yeah. Like for us, we really didn’t have anything to lose. We had our emergency funds, we had our plan and if doesn’t work out, we can move back, no big deal but if we had kids, it definitely would have made it a lot. You have to make root somewhere and that would be hard moving after a year if something didn’t work out.
[0:22:11] TD: We considered that having kids but our oldest kid is in grade one so we figured right now, it’s not exactly a time where it’s going to matter too much. If we’re bouncing around different cities later on, it would probably start them a little more but I think we’ll be fine.
[0:22:29] GC: Yeah, it certainly has been a consideration for us too. Once they finally take root and they make these friendships, you don’t want to pull it all apart and what effect that has because that could be traumatic for a kid.
[0:22:42] JM: Exactly.
[0:22:43] GC: So this sounds it’s actually worked up pretty well for you Jessica? [0:22:46] JM: Yes, it’s my success story.
[0:22:51] PA: Thank goodness.
[0:22:51] JM: I know.
[0:22:51] MM: Going good.
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[0:22:54] GC: For all of our listeners out there, what should they consider? What do you think is a quick checklist for them if they’re considering moving for their careers?
[0:23:02] JM: Sure, I’d say definitely look into what industry you want to work in or what kind of job you want. For me, I knew. Before, I used to work in advertising and sales. I know I want to work more in marketing specifically digital marketing and I knew that there are a lot more opportunities than Toronto specifically because that’s where all the “big companies” were.
They were all starting to hire those positions versus in Vancouver, they’re a bit slower to adopt so because of that, “Okay, this makes more sense for me.” That’s definitely one thing to consider. You shouldn’t definitely just go out and say, “I want to live in California. I would love to live in California,” but it may not make sense, or Hawaii. If I were American, I don’t why everyone is not living at Hawaii. That looks like the best place to live.
[0:23:55] MM: Because it’s expensive. Hawaii compared to Vancouver will look cheap. [0:23:59] JM: Yeah, that’s true.
[0:24:00] MM: My sister lives in Hawaii for a while. She ended up living on a tent on the beach for a little while because she couldn’t afford housing.
[0:24:09] JM: If that’s from May, I don’t know.
[0:24:11] GC: Mine actually doesn’t sound bad either in Hawaii. It’s better than a box in New
York City.
[0:24:17] JM: Yeah.
[0:24:18] KP: That’s a good point.
[0:24:20] JM: Yeah, I guess other things to consider that we definitely didn’t really think about was what is the weather like on where you think on going. We’re from Vancouver, it just rains
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but otherwise, it’s pretty warm all the time. We never have to own a proper winter jacket and then when we moved to Toronto, of course just our lack it was one of the most record breaking hottest summers and the record breaking coldest winters. It’s like the polar vortex winter that happened a couple of years ago so that was the worst.
[0:24:50] KP: It’s still relatively moderate then. [0:24:55] MM: Prairie boy.
[0:24:56] JM: Exactly, I was knotting. I was inside for eight months I’m like, “I’m not going outside”.
[0:25:01] GC: Something getting used to artic average weather in there Kyle. [0:25:07] KP: Polar vortex isn’t an every year thing? I thought that was.
[0:25:12] MM: I just remember Kyle being like, “Hey, it’s colder here than it is on Mars”. [0:25:20] KP: That was the headline, you know?
[0:25:25] GC: So Jessica, thank you so much for sharing this. It really is great to hear that you were able to find a new town and it was a major city that you moved to and it actually worked out better for you and I think there’s a lot of value and lessons in your move for our listeners. We’d like to wrap up with a final word, we go around our panel. So Tom, if you could start with us on your final word on whether moving makes sense for your career?
[0:25:50] TD: Well, yeah. Like we’ve talked about, you’ve got to look at it beyond just your career though too. Certainly career, family, cost of living, you just have to weigh all of that and see where that lands you if it’s worth making that move or you’re better off where you are.
[0:26:06] GC: Peter, what’s your final word?
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[0:26:08] PA: Moving through your career, it’s more than just the dollar numbers with the salary. You have to consider everything when it comes to your family, the cost of living in the place you may be moving to the weather and everything else. Whether you will fit in with the culture of the area that you’re moving to.
So make sure you’re not just having stars in your eyes with the dollar figures that you might make. There’s a lot more that you need to consider.
[0:26:35] GC: Good point and Miranda, your final words?
[0:26:37] MM: Yeah, don’t forget to think of how much it’s going to cost to get you there and get set up as Jessica mentioned a little bit earlier and as I have learned through moves in the space of 12 months. So you really do want to make sure that you understand what it’s going to cost to get you to where you’re going as well as set you up once you are there.
[0:27:00] GC: And Kyle, what’s your final word?
[0:27:02] KP: Especially if you’re a young person and maybe don’t have quite as many considerations, don’t be afraid to move. Nobody owes you a job within seven square blocks of where you grew up and I think sometimes, you need to channel that, that inner old man, “get off my lawn”. Go find someone else’s lawn to work on because there’s no jobs here. So anyway, think about that and yeah, don’t be afraid to leave when you’re young and can take the risks.
[0:27:27] GC: And Jessica, if you’ll close out on your final word?
[0:27:30] JM: Sure, definitely like what Kyle said, don’t be afraid to take risks that maybe the best thing you ever do. It was one of the scariest things but one of the best things I ever did moving from the city that I grew up into a city where I didn’t know a person so try it out.
[0:27:48] GC: It’s a great story Jessica.
[0:27:48] JM: And you’re not a failure if it doesn’t work out, it’s okay.
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[0:27:53] GC: Jessica, for those that are out there, can you tell our viewers a little bit about your site and what you do?
[0:27:58] JM: Sure, so my site is Jessicamoorhouse.com. I’ve been blogging for about four years about personal finance and I also have a podcast myself called The Mo Money Podcast where I interview people with interesting money stories and yeah, I’ve been doing that since June so check it out.
[0:28:18] GC: All right, so definitely check out the site, jessicamoorhouse.com as well as the podcast Mo Money, get on that and thank you everyone out there for listening and watching and until next week, be good with your money.
ANNOUNCER: Thanks for joining us on the Money Mastermind Show, get more information at Moneymastermindshow.com. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes and YouTube and follow us on Google Plus.
© 2016 Money Mastermind Show
Important issues discussed in this episode:
- When is it time to consider a career change?
- What money decisions do you need to make when moving for your career?
- How to decide where to live.
- Tips for figuring out what you will need to know for cost-of-living changes.
Panelists In This Episode:
- Jessica Moorhouse | Mo’ Money Podcast
- Glen Craig | Free From Broke
- Kyle Prevost | Young and Thrifty
- Miranda Marquit | Planting Money Seeds
- Peter Anderson | Bible Money Matters
- Tom Drake | MapleMoney
For a quick bio of each of our show participants, head on over to our panelists page.
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