Money Mastermind Show Permanent Panelists

Glen Craig

Glen CraigGlen Craig is married and a father to four children that he spends the day chasing as a stay-at-home-dad. He took an interest in personal finance when he realized most of his paycheck was going toward credit card bills. Since then he’s eliminated his credit card debt and started on a journey towards financial freedom. Subscribe to his newsletter for more financial tips.

Kyle Prevost

Kyle PrevostKyle Prevost is a high school humanities teacher by day, and freelance personal finance author by night. He has been published in academic journals, and has also co-authored the book “More Money for Beer and Textbooks”. In his free time Kyle likes to limp up and down a basketball court and pretend to be a tough guy in a boxing ring.

Miranda Marquit

Miranda MarquitMiranda Marquit is a freelance journalist and professional blogger specializing in personal finance, small business, and investing topics. She writes for a number of financial websites and blogs, including her own Planting Money Seeds. Miranda’s book is Confessions of a Professional Blogger, which tells the truth about what it takes to successfully build a freelance business with online writing.

Peter Anderson

pete-largePeter Anderson is the founder of, one of the the Internet’s top Christian personal finance blogs. He’s a married father of one, and loves reading and writing about personal finance. In his spare time he also enjoys a good board game, or a couple sets of tennis. For the latest on how to give more, save more and live more, join his free newsletter here.

Tom Drake

Tom DrakeTom Drake is the founder of, one of Canada’s top personal finance blogs. For the latest investing advice and money saving tips, join his free newsletter.

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